Loan amount
Readers shall present valid library cards of Shenzhen Library for access to the library collections. Different deposit refers to different service functions.
1.Library card containing a refundable deposit of ¥50 are entitled to borrow 5 items of Chinese books.
2.Library card containing a refundable deposit of ¥100 are entitled to borrow 10 items of Chinese books.
3.Library card containing a refundable deposit of ¥200 are entitled to borrow 1 item of Overseas book.
4.Library card containing a refundable deposit of ¥300 are entitled to borrow 10 items of Chinese books and 1 item of Overseas book.
Loan periods
1.The loan period for Books is 31 days, each item borrowed before the due date may be renewed once for another 31 days.
2.The loan period for periodicals and audio-visual materials is 21 days, no renewal is allowed.
3.The loan period for braille materials is 60 days, no renewal is allowed.
1.Telephone:A 24-hour renewal service is available by telephone at 0755-25227003, 0755-82841200/82841201/82841202/82841203.
2.Short message: Sending short message "XJ" to 1065755852451000.
3.Library website: Logging in "My Library" via Shenzhen Yantian Library website at http://ytlib.yantian.org.cn.
4.Wechat: Via Shenzhen Library wechat "szytlib".
5.Urban Neighborhood: A Self-Service Library: Via Self-service Library network.
Fees and charges for overdue, damaged or lost library items
1. Readers need to return library items borrowed prior to the due date. The overdue fine is charged at 0.3 yuan per item per day, for a maximum of 10.00 yuan per item.
2. If you have your books damaged, you will have to pay the cost according to the damage degree evaluated by the library staff. If the book can not be repaired because of the damage which affects the integrity of the contents, we regarded it as lost. The fine is charged at 5 yuan for each RFID tag damaged, and at 2 yuan for each bar code or book label damaged.
3. A charge may be made for the item lost: General Literature:3-10 times as the original price; Any volumes of a complete set:5-10 times as the price of the volumes. Readers can buy the same book back to the library and pay the fines for material processing, and the "same" means the same title, the same author, the same publisher, the same publishing year, the same ISBN number and the same price. Your borrowing privileges will be suspended for 180 days once over 5 items have been accumulated.
4. Fees and charges
(1)Cash: Pay in person with your library card at the General Information Desk.
(2)Self-service Payment terminals: You can top up your library card via the self-service library card issuing terminals, Urban Neighborhood Self-service Library or at the General Information Desk for self-service payment:
Ⅰ.Pay via the self-service library card issuing terminals, self-service checking out/in terminals, Urban Neighborhood Self-service Library network following the instructions.
Ⅱ.Pay on the web: Login "My Library" via ShenzhenYantian Library website at http://ytlib.yantian.org.cn.
Ⅲ.Pay by SMS: Sending short message "FK" to 1065755852451000.